At the beginning of this episode things were looking very bad indeed for Dr Dylan Keogh, in the sense that Ciara (and we) really thought he was dead. This only lasted for the space of the title sequence, because shortly after that he opened his eyes and we realised hed survived the nasty head-on car crash wed been worrying about for a whole week. Phew.
With Joel screaming for help and suffering a nasty open fracture of his leg, and an innocent bystander, Harriet, lying injured on the pavement, Dylan was busy doing first aid until Iain and Ruby arrived in the ambulance. Ciara, meanwhile, was just focused on getting away from Joel while he was in no position to chase after her.
While Dylan was at the hospital getting a head wound checked out and being told off by Connie and frowned at by David, Ciara was packing up a few clothes and her dog and heading for Dylans boat. Unfortunately for Dylan he spent a bit too long being told off by Connie etc and goading Joel into lunging out of bed and trying to stand on his snapped ankle, with painful results. This left Ciara plenty of time to think, and when Dylan finally turned up at the boat Ciara had reached a decision. That little afternoon on the boat had been the first time in who knows how long that shed felt free to do whatever she wanted without a man being involved, she told him. And she liked it. So she left a piece of her heart, and the whole of her dog, in Dylans care and set off for Holby Airport to sort herself out on her own. Though she promised at some point they would be together.
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Ciara leaving was obviously upsetting news for Dylan, but it was undoubtedly the right decision as theyd have dragged each other down. And he can console himself by thinking of it not as losing a girlfriend, but gaining a dog.

Sometimes it seems like the wards at Holby City are full of doctors but not very many nurses, so imagine the luxury for patient Rufus (Kriss Dillon) when he found he had two nurses all to himself (and three at some points). Rufus seemed like quite the catch – he was in a band, he was sporty, he did good deeds in the community, he could do sign language (it hasnt been made into a huge deal, but Jade is partially deaf) and he was easy on the eye. But did he prefer girls or boys? Jade and Marty both fancied their chances, so they challenged each other to be the first one to be asked to one of Rufuss gigs.
This ended predictably badly, with Jade locking Marty in a store-room and him having an asthma attack and discovering his inhaler was empty. Jade found him just in time, though if Rufus had been a bit slower about inviting her to a gig the outcome might have been different. Then they discovered Rufuss band was called Homofolkia, which answered the is he/isnt he question, and put both of them right off because folk music is not exactly rock n roll.

Jade and Marty are turning into an excellent double act and they gave a nice note of humour to what could otherwise have been quite a bleak episode, because as well as the Dylan/Ciara tragedy we still have Iain struggling with the aftermath of the crash where Sam died. He was triggered by the sight of Harriet, the woman Joel hit with his car, as she lay on the pavement. She reminded him of Mia, the suicidal girl he failed to save. To cheer himself up he arranged a takeaway night with Mias boyfriend Base, but got home in time to hear nasty drug dealer Ross trying to persuade Base back to his old ways.
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Maybe Iain could cheer himself up by popping into the childrens ward, which is full of teddies and all manner of toys for girls and boys. Alicia said she needed toys for the children, and loads of them arrived – all paid for by Ethan, who adores Alicia and is adorable himself.
And in other news, Ciara was surprised to find Fifty Shades of Grey among Dylans book collection, and Marty thinks Robyn should get back on the dating scene.
Sue Haasler is the author of the official Holby City book, which you can read about here. She also writes novels and theres information about all her books here
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