Home and Away spoilers: Raffys life in danger after extreme seizure in the sea

Marilyn has suggestions to help with Raffys epilepsy (Picture: Channel 5)
Raffys (Olivia Deeble) health has taken a turn for the worse since her CBD trial got cancelled due to lack of funding. Despite having Mason (Orpheus Pledger), Justin (James Stewart), John (Shane Withington) and Marilyn (Emily Symons) on side to help her find another solution, its clear that the only option which has been working to manage her epilepsy is the CBD oil – which she no longer has access to.

Mason goes to speak with Raffy about his latest efforts to find Raffy another trial. Raffy isnt optimistic about her chances of finding another one, let alone getting onto it, but Mason is determined to keep trying until he gets a lead.

Meanwhile, Marilyn explains how shes been doing her own research and believes taking a holistic approach, with meditation, acupuncture and so on could be a solution. However, Justin soon puts down her suggestion, turning to Mason to back him up. Mason remains more open minded about the approach, reminding them that modern medicine clearly hasnt worked for Raffy.

Raffy is overwhelmed with suggestions from Mason and Justin (Picture: Channel 5)
As the conversation becomes heated, Raffy becomes overwhelmed with the tension and storms out. Justin goes after her and tries to apologise, but Raffy says she just wishes she was normal again – able to drive a car, swim by herself…She goes back to the Diner and tells everyone to stop trying to come up with solutions for her. Then she heads off by herself.



Standing by the ocean, Raffy decides to have it her way, and gets into the water. Later on, Justin is getting ready for a surf when he sees a figure out in the ocean. With a jolt, he realises its Raffy – shes out in the ocean alone. She must have had a seizure, and is starting to drown…he rushes out to save her but will he get there in time?

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Home and Away spoilers: Dr Alex reveals a surprising secret at the hospital

Dr Alex has a secret to reveal to Raffy (Picture: Channel 5)
Justin (James Stewart) has rushed out into the water to save Raffy (Olivia Deeble), who went out on her own and had begun to drown. Mason (Orpheus Pledger) and John (Shane Withington) help to pull her to shore and put her in the recovery position, where she begins to cough up water.

They take her to hospital, where Dr Alex (Zoe Ventoura) asks her what happened. However, Raffy isnt able to say anything for herself as Justin, John, Marilyn and Mason interject and answer everything for her. Alex asks for a moment alone with Raffy and tries to figure out what led her to go into the water alone. Raffy explains that she just wants to feel normal again, and Mason runs Alex through Raffys medical history. He says that the cannabis trial was really working for her, but now its gone.



Alex gives Raffy the all-clear to return home after an x-ray reveals theres no fluid in her lungs, but is concerned about her mental state. The Morgans, John and Marilyn tell her that Raffy feels the epilepsy is taking over her life. However, when Raffy is discharged, Alex suggests that they should stop mollycoddling her and let her make her own decisions.

Dr Alex suggests Raffy needs to make her own decisions (Picture: Channel 5)
Speaking to Raffy before she leaves, Dr Alex says its possible to live a normal life with epilepsy. Raffy is doubtful, but Alex reveals that she herself suffers from epilepsy. In fact, she suffered a seizure during a HSC exam.

Raffys worldview changes and Alex becomes her role model. She decides its time to turn over a new leaf – shes going to step up and take control of her life. Raffys loved ones agree to take a step back, while she shocks them with her change of heart and new positive attitude about her treatment moving forwards.

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Coronation Streets Katie McGlynn confirms first acting role since leaving the soap

Katie will be taking on the role of a different kind of Tinker as of December (Picture: Rex Features)
Katie McGlynns leaving Sinead Tinker behind in favour of Tinker Bell as she confirms her first post-Corrie role will be in panto.

The Coronation Street star, 26, will be leaving the soap shortly as her character loses her battle with cervical cancer in emotional scenes which are yet to air.

However, after the cobbles Katie will be treading the boards as she has announced she will be spending the holidays starring in Peter Pan at the Northwich Memorial Court in Cheshire.

AB Productions announced the news today, revealing: We are delighted to announce that Coronation Streets @KatiexMcGlynn goes from Sinead Tinker to Tinker Bell as she joins the cast of Peter Pan at Northwich Memorial Court this Christmas.

She replied: Sooo excited to be Tink.

The production will run from 8 December 2019 until 3 January 2020 as she plays the tiny blomde fairy in the iconic green dress across the Christmas period.



However, before all that Christmas joy, Katie still has a few more emotional weeks on Coronation Street, and she revealed that fans have thanked her for taking on the heartbreaking storyline.

Sooo excited to be Tink https://t.co/M1VzW8nFiL

— Katie McGlynn (@KatiexMcGlynn) September 27, 2019

Katie told DigitalSpy: It was weird because I filmed on a Sunday so not many people were in. People were crying and saying they would miss me.

Sinead Tinkers cancer battle has been leaving viewers in tears (Picture: Rex Features)
You dont really realise the impact that it has in the outside world. When I heard about the story, I jumped at the chance.

So far, I have had so many messages from young women who have gone for their smears because of what theyve seen on screen and theyve found pre-cancerous cells which is really saving someones life.

More: Katie McGlynn
Im not saying I am superwoman but its really humbling to hear something like that.

Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

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Who is Whitneys new boyfriend on EastEnders?

Whitneys new man has a dark secret (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes)
Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) has a new man on EastEnders, but in typical Walford fashion, theres drama afoot.

After nearly marrying Callum Highway (Tony Clay), Whitney eventually called off the wedding after finding out that Callum was struggling with his sexuality.

Realising she needed to take some time for herself, she went on her honeymoon alone, and ended up coming back to The Square with a new boyfriend.

But Whitneys new man hasnt exactly shown himself to be Mr. Right…

Who is Whitneys new boyfriend on EastEnders?
Whitneys new boyfriend has been revealed to be none other than Leo King.

Leo is the son of Tony – the man who abused Whitney ten years ago.

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Leo has not accepted the truth that his father is a paedophile, despite the evidence against him.

He has spent weeks threatening Bianca (Patsy Palmer) to try and prove his fathers innocence.



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Could Leo be targeting Whitney as a means to this twisted end?

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Emmerdale spoilers: Robert Sugdens dramatic exit storyline revealed as Aaron Dingle flees with him

(Picture: ITV)
Emmerdale has confirmed the dramatic exit storyline ahead for Robert Sugden (Ryan Hawley) as he realises he has no choice but to flee the village if he wants to avoid a hefty prison sentence – but will his husband Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) go with him?

After attacking rapist Lee Posner and leaving him for dead, Robert was arrested and has been warned that he faces a lengthy prison sentence. He has since tried to make amends for his actions by supporting sister Victoria Bartons (Isabel Hodgins) decision to keep the baby while also concentrating on ensuring that Aaron, Liv and Seb are financially prepared for life without him.

But the storyline is set to take another turn as Robert prepares to become a fugitive from the law and he and Aaron hatch a plan to start a new life on the run together. Its no secret that Ryan is leaving his role as Robert in upcoming scenes and with Danny having all but confirmed Aarons story will continue without Robert, what will eventually tear them apart?



Its not Robert and Aarons first dabble with escaping the law as Robert helped his brother Andy disappear – and luckily, he is now undercover as a gyrating ballroom dancer on Strictly. Theyll never catch him there!

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Meanwhile, Aaron has also helped his good pal Adam Barton go on the run after he took the blame for the murder of Emma to protect his mum Moira. But will their latest plan be a success or end in disaster?

Whatever the outcome, it will spell the end of Robron, at lRead More – Source

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