Are NFL Players Now Enslaved By New Anthem Rules? One Writer Thinks So


There are plenty of hot takes floating around the internet about the NFLs new anthem rules.

The NFL passed a new rule Wednesday requiring players on the field to stand for the anthem, but also gave players the option to stay in the locker room. The league also gave itself the power to fine teams if players disrespect the anthem, and it gave teams the power to also punish players. (RELATED: NFL TO REQUIRE PLAYERS TO STAND FOR NATIONAL ANTHEM OR STAY IN LOCKER ROOM)

That didnt sit well with everybody, including Justin Mack of The Indy Star. Mack wrote the following in his article titled, “The NFLs new national anthem policy enslaves black players and fans”:

A black man took a stand against police brutality by kneeling, and the response isnt the league owners gathering to use their endless power and influence in this country to actually address the issues he was trying to raise awareness for.

Instead, its them gathering and unanimously stripping away a players ability to do something like that ever again. It also lets black players and fans know actually where they stand.

Speak when spoken to. Work hard and entertain us. Youll be paid well, but dont you dare cross us or youll be out of a job.

My only hope is that the players will find new ways to protest while adhering to the league policy. And my only fear is that owners will fast-track talks to strip that freedom away from them as well.

But make no mistake: Being forced to stand, or forced to do anything at all, makes this the land of the partially free and the home of the enslaved.

Ah, yes. It was only a matter of time before somebody took this position. It was inevitable. He also claims that allowing players to stay in the locker room is the equivalent of putting “shackles” on them. Give me a break.

Nobody is putting shackles on anybody, and it is absurd to compare pro athletes to slaves. Slaves were killed, raped, whipped, beaten and endured things that are unspeakable. Thats the truth of the situation. They were literal property that could be abused at the whim of their owners. There was no freedom.

When was the last time an NFL player was whipped for not listing to his coach? Never, and a coach would spend possibly his life in prison if he did. The absurdity of this take is hard for me to comprehend. Its borderline impossible for me to understand.

Pro athletes make millions of dollars, get all the women they can dream of and have pretty much every door open for them. In return, all that is asked of them is to listen to directions and be team members of something bigger than themselves. Nobody would complain if a coach benched a player for deliberately running the wrong route. Why is refusing to stand for the anthem any different? Dont play in the NFL if you dont like the rules.

Personally, I think letting them stay in the locker room is unacceptable, but Im willing to stomach it as a short-term solution. These guys should stand with their teams at all times, or they shouldnt be with them at all in my eyes.

Embarrassing article from Mack, and embarrassing for anybody who would ever agree with this take.

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