Ben Turnbulls Mad portrait of Donald Trump makes waves


Ben Turnbull, MADe In America, 2019 courtesy the artist

UK artist Ben Turnbull looks to the US for his latest works, on show at Bermondsey Art Space in south London (American History X volume III, Manifest Decimation, until 2 November). The show comprises seven large-scale collages that riff on contemporary America under its current colourful president. One of the pieces depicts Mr Trump whose striking features were created and shaped from cut-outs of Alfred E. Neuman, the Mad comics cover star whose geeky features are recognisable the world over (MADe in America). The artist says: “Using Mad seemed entirely logical. In fact, given the subject it would have been illogical to use any other. Of course, I wouldnt describe Trump as being that himself, but since winning the presidency, hes caused an entire nation to become slightly unhinged—not just his core, but his detractors, too.” Word reachRead More – Source