Coming up on #Casualty this autumn!
— BBC Casualty (@BBCCasualty) September 14, 2019
The Casualty autumn trailer is finally out and its no surprise that autumn at the ED is going to bring a lot of trouble to peoples doors. With Iains (Michael Stevenson) exit looming, new trouble for Archie (Genesis Lynea) and Ethans (George Rainsford) obsession with Effie (Abigail Hardingham) continuing, heres the spoilers from the trailer in full:
Whats wrong with Archie?
We opened the trailer with Archie upset in the bathroom – something has clearly bothered her during a shift, but what? Later in the trailer we also see a patient from last weeks episode called Vincent Millbank who had acid thrown on him and also was the evil house master who tortured his student Seb and his friends.
At the end of last weeks episode, we discovered Archie has thrown acid onto Mr Millbanks car and in the trailer, it looks as though hes figured out that Seb was in custody when it happened – could this be linked? Is the evil teacher out to get Archie?
Iains exit
Weve known for a while that actor Michael Stevenson is taking a break from playing Paramedic Iain Dean after the intense storyline hes played out with Iain and his battle with PTSD and depression. With Dixies (Jane Hazlegrove) arrival were pretty certain she has something to do with his exit, and in the trailer we see him offering some pretty sound advice to a patient. It looks like Iain has certainly come along way since that ambulance crash way back in August 2018, and its certain he will be missed!
Rash gets angry
Poor Rash (Neet Mohan) has been at a bit of a loss since coming back to the ED. His mum died and instead of allowing himself time to grieve, he threw himself straight back into work when the terrorist attack happened back at the start of the series. Its clear new Doctor Mason Reade (Victor Oshin) is causing him a bit of trouble as the trailer sees Rash get angry at Ethan for being made to supervise Mason when in reality, thats a job for Ethan.
We also see both Rash and Mason in trouble with Dylan (William Beck). What couldve happened? And will things get a little bit easier for Rash soon?
Ethans obsession with Effie continues

Since being caught up in the explosion from the terrorist attack back at the start of the series, Ethan has occupied himself by supporting Effie who has cystic fibrosis and is also the daughter of his old uni friend. He has become somewhat obsessed with Effie and in the trailer it reveals that in order to secure Effie a place on the trial, Ethan was inexact when writing up Effies notes. Despite the fact that he denies showing any special interest, the trailer also sees Ethan having dinner with Effie – could this simply be him trying to help out a friend, or something more?
Will supports Archie
Since Wills (Jack Nolan) arrival, he hasnt really been on screen long enough for us to learn a lot about him, we know hes a little bit cocky, likes to impress and often butts heads with Archie. We know from last week Will called the police on Seb (the man who threw acid over Mr Millbank) and it looked as though he may have figured out it was Archie who threw acid on Mr Millbanks car – but in the trailer, we see Will offering his support to Archie…could this be about the acid on the car? If Will regularly disagrees with Archie, why is he supporting her all of a sudden?
Duffy deteriorates

With Duffy (Cathy Shipton) not working at the ED anymore because of her dementia, we only occasionally see her pop up on screen. Thankfully the trailer shows a lot of Duffy, shes in the park, at home with Charlie (Derek Thompson) and she looks pretty scared in a lot of the clips. Did she forget where she was? With her dementia no doubt getting worse, whats in store next for Casualtys longest running characters?
New Paramedic Lev arrives
Iains exit looms, which means his replacement will arrive not long after hes gone. New Paramedic Lev (Uriel Emil) doesnt exactly give the best first impression in the trailer. He is seen getting into a bit of bother with someone outside the ED and as Ruby (Maddy Hill) asks, whats with the tattoo then? Lev tells her its ancient history but whats he hiding?
Distress for Robyn

A small clip in the trailer sees Robyn (Amanda Henderson) looking very upset. As its a small clip there wasnt much to get from it apart from the park in the baRead More – Source