Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) in Coronation Street is attempting to keep his head above water looking after Sinead Tinker (Katie McGlynn) and their son Bertie. With things set to become pretty turbulent for Sinead soon, are things about to change for Daniel in the form of a shock affair?
Recently Bethany (Lucy Fallon) told Daniel she was going to write up her experiences with grooming to encourage other people going through it to speak out. Daniel is then flattered when Bethany asks him to read over her grooming article.

When Daniel and Sinead row about their wedding plans, with Sinead wanting a more low key affair, he accuses her of putting her beard oil business before the wedding. Suggesting they call the whole thing off, an upset Daniel slams out as Sinead agrees.
Bethany is disappointed when the Gazette fail to print her article as it didnt make the grade. Incensed Daniel tears a strip off the editor. Bethanys mortified but Daniel assures her he wasnt trying to undermine her and only wants to help. Bethany gazes at him and it seems they might kiss!
Daniel tells Bethany about his row with Sinead. Her heart thumping, Read More – Source