Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) is facing the prospect of being Kim Tates (Claire King) sex toy in order to clear his name over Joe Tates (Ned Porteous) fake murder – could he be about to give in?
Kim told Cain she wants a booty call in return for her clearing his name and tonight Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) found out about the little plan. With little other way of saving her husband, will she be forced to allow him to get into bed with the enemy?
After learning about Joe still being alive, Cain went AWOL before he tracked down Graham Foster (Andrew Scarborough) and the red mist took over.
He began attacking Kim Tates butler in a field, vowing to kill him the way he thought hed killed Joe, until Moira showed up and intervened.
Moira managed to calm him, but she knew there was something her husband wasnt telling her.
Ive never seen that look in your eyes before, you looked murderous, she said trying to push for the truth, and Cain caved – revealing the truth of the whole sorry situation. Cain revealed that Graham had been lying to their faces and causing all this anguish for so long despite knowing Joe was in good health.
Meanwhile, as Graham probed over what the point was for Cain to know about Joe and to blackmail him into sex, Kim teased: Graham, have you ever known me to be pointless?
Theres clearly more to come from evil Kim.
Even after learning about Joe, Moira knew there was something else Cain was keeping to himself and tried to encourage him to open up.
And he eventually did – revealing that Kim Tate is blackmailing him for sex. Either he gives her the big O or the picture of Joe – which would exonerate Cain – will be deleted forever.
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