On Monday night, Seth Meyers and his fellow late-night comedians scrambled to cover the many disasters of Donald Trumps Russia summit with Vladimir Putin in Finland. But before the president made his way to Helsinki, he staged another embarrassing performance: a blunder-filled meeting with Queen Elizabeth in Great Britain, during which the president kept the Queen waiting for tea and broke protocol by walking in front of her. Meyers made sure to commemorate that trip as well on Monday night, recapping a portion of it during his “Closer Look” segment and also offering a thorough rundown of all the other gaffes the president made during his time with the Queen.
“Even before he got to Finland, Trumps foreign trip was one of the more disastrous ones in recent memory,” Meyers said during his “Closer Look.” “He met Queen Elizabeth and he immediately embarrassed himself by breaking royal protocol and wandering aimlessly in front of her . . . The Queen just disappeared behind Trump. Its like a royal eclipse; the only thing missing was Trump staring directly at it!”
Meyers also took a moment during his monologue to lampoon Melania Trumps instantly viral yellow dress, which she wore to attend a state dinner: “Yellow gowns,” he quipped, “are, of course, the official uniform of women being held captive by beasts.” Cut to a picture of Belle from Beauty and the Beast, sporting the films most famous—yellow—gown.
But perhaps the most amusing moment came when Meyers untethered his gaze, ever so slightly, from reality—imagining a long list of other atrocities Trump might have committed during his visit.
Meyers started with the real-life faux pas of walking in front of the Queen—but as his list progressed, the entries in his litany of Trump offenses transitioned from fictional to downright ludicrous: “walked in front of the Queen; touched the Queen without permission; touched every other woman in the Palace without permission . . . wore a Burger King crown the entire time.” And then, the final entry: “referred to the Queen as a total QUILF.”
Get Vanity Fairs HWD NewsletterSign up for essential industry and award news from Hollywood.Laura BradleyLaura Bradley is a Hollywood writer for VanityFair.com.
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