8:07 AM 02/19/2018
The NBA’s all-star game was last night, and Fergie managed to absolutely destroy the national anthem.
Singing the national anthem should be a pretty straightforward and easy thing to do. There’s nothing overly difficult about the song. The only real rule about it is that singers should never make the anthem about themselves. The anthem is about the country and the people. It’s not a free pass for artistic experimentation.
Well, Fergie clearly never got the memo because her rendition was horrifying and embarrassing. It will have you throwing things at your computer or television while searching for hearing protection.
Why would she ever think that version of the national anthem was one that a single person other than herself would ever want to hear? Again, the formula for crushing the anthem is shockingly simple.
Just don’t get absurd with the performance and the people will love it. How did the people at the all-star game allow this to happen? Her mic should have been cut about 10 seconds in, and the people in the stands just should have sung it themselves.
Fergie should never get the opportunity to disgrace our beautiful anthem ever again for the rest of her life.
The daily caller