Ben (Rohan Nichol) and Maggie (Kestie Morassi) havent been in a good place since his arrest, as his low mood has led to erratic behaviour and, more recently, binge drinking. After their fight, which results in Ben storming out, Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) returns home and notices how tense Maggie is.
Spotting Ben on the beach, Alf (Ray Meagher) persuades him to go back and talk to Maggie, but when he tries to apologise for his behaviour, he ends up going on the defensive and getting into another argument. Maggie storms out and Ben realises he didnt handle things well.
Later on, Maggie returns home to find Ben sleeping off his hangover. She tells him that they have something to sort out, and brings up the topic of selling the Pier complex to pay for his defense in court. However, Ben is against the idea, saying that its all they have left for their financial future and its the only thing he has left that he hasnt failed at.

Maggie says that theres no point in having a nest egg if Bens in jail, and Ben says they could end up selling the complex and ending up with that outcome anyway – he wont get locked up and leave his family with nothing in the process. He says that Maggie is being naive and the chances of him being acquitted are slim. Maggie is shocked that he seems to have given up, to which Ben questions – can she blame him?
Ben finally agrees to sell the estate, but it isnt long before hes dealt another blow. John (Shane Withington) has to break the news that, despite his best efforts alongside Alf, the Surf Club committee wants to terminate Bens lease. Whats more, he has to clear out the space himself. Ben says he put his heart and soul into his business and nobody offering to help him clear out knows what its like to have that taken away…
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