In First True Act of Charity, Trump Taps Mike Huckabee for Kennedy Center Board


Lifes hard out there for a struggling standup. You tell your jokes on Twitter, try and make as many public appearances as you can, and maybe, if youre very lucky, you get a shot at your own show on a network no ones heard of. But every now and again, you get your big break—and folks, today, Donald Trump decided to be that helping hand. In what may be his first-ever act of true charity, the president has tapped wannabe comedian Mike Huckabee to serve on the Kennedy Center Board.

Thats right! Huckabee, alongside Jon Voight and several others, has been appointed to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Artss Board of Trustees, Variety reports—noting that such appointments “often go to donors, fundraisers and other high profile figures who have been loyal supporters to presidents of either party.” As Twitter denizens well know, Huckabee—a former governor of Arkansas and presidential candidate—spends a staggering amount of time defending the president online via both earnestly fought battles against “fake news” and grade-D dad jokes. Voight, meanwhile, has been one of Trumps most steadfast Hollywood defenders—as proven by the fact he was one of the few entertainers willing to show up and perform at Trumps inauguration.

Still, we must give credit where it is due: Huckabee actually did argue in favor of arts funding at a time when the president was considering cutting funds for the National Endowment for the Arts. So, he has that going for him.

Huckabee is also the host of his own late-night style show on TBN—thats the Trinity Broadcasting Network, a Christian channel—where he lobs cutting, innovative jokes such as: “I understand that CNN and MSNBC have gone off [the air] this weekend; with the Mueller report out and no indictments, they have absolutely nothing to say.” (His TV series is, however, a step up from his Twitter humor, which includes humdingers like this: “Avocados are being recalled, but it ain't listeria. There is fear that Bob "Beto" O'Rourke has been serving up some of his famous guacamole.”

Trump, of course, has opted to skip the annual Kennedy Center Honors two years in a row. As Variety notes, the president has no role in selecting honorees—although if he did, we must imagine the organization would be hard-pressed to get many audience members to actually show up.

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