Director Prashanth Varma on Wednesday released a new teaser for his upcoming film Kalki. Featuring veteran actor Dr Rajasekhar, the teaser adds to the curiosity around the movie.
It packs a solid punch with its sharp visual elements. The teaser opens with an arresting image of a burning tree coupled with an ominous background score. It slowly builds up the tempo with one good visual after another in the run-up to the heros introduction. And then Rajasekhars Kalki makes a grand entry. Before we could get to see his face, we get to see how handy he is with an axe while cutting through his forest-inhabiting rivals, who cover their faces with pieces of hessian sacks.
If the teaser is anything to go by, Kalki is going to be a visual appealing edge-of-the-seat thriller.
Watch Kalki teaser
Kalki is set in 1983, and is said to be based on real-life incidents. Prashanth had earlier told that while he has made this film for the mainstream audience, he has steered clear of cliches that are rampant in commercial Telugu films. To put in Prashanths words, “Kalki is a semi-commercial film.”
Kalki centres around a detectives adventures when he sets out to solve a case. PRead More – Source
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The Indian Express
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