Piers Morgan calls on Disney to rehire James Gunn as Guardians Of The Galaxy cast share open letter of support


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Piers Morgan calls on Disney to rehire James Gunn as cast share open letter of support

(Picture: Rob Latour/Variety/REX/Shutterstock)

The cast of Guardians Of The Galaxy have called for James Gunn to be reinstated as director of the third movie, and now so has Piers Morgan.

The cast published an open letter sharing their support for the fired director, imploring that he be put back at the helm of the movie, and Piers has concurred that Disney should listen.

Both the casts letter and Piers have claimed Gunn has proven through his behaviour to have changed from the man who sent the offensive tweets years ago, and, Piers said, he has lived up to the public promises he made in 2012 after originally apologising for his words.

He has proven that he HAS changed as a human being, Piers wrote in his column for the MailOnline.

EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO MERCHANDISING Mandatory Credit: Photo by Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock (9732512an) Piers Morgan 'Good Morning Britain' TV show, London, UK - 02 Jul 2018

Piers Morgan backs James Gunn (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

Citing the unfairness of a trial by Twitter, Piers said: James Gunn never faced a criminal trial for his deplorable tweets because he broke no law.



Instead, he faced what has become a far less forgiving court – the one of public opinion, where he must never be allowed to move on from offensive things he said years ago.

He used the treatment of Rosanne Barr, who lost her show due to a seemingly racist tweet, compared to comedian Trevor Noah, who has not received the same treatment after reportedly posting racist and sexist tweets.

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Piers went on to call Disney gutless cowards for their actions, and called for them to reinstate him.

Disney has behaved like gutless cowards, bowing to the howling Twitter mob in a pathetically supine way, he wrote. Stop behaving like a mouse, Disney, and re-employ James Gunn.

Even Mickey would be ashamed of your cowardice.

After the offensive tweets came to light and he lost his job as director, Gunn published an apology.

He wrote: Many people who have followed my career know when I started, I viewed myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo. As Ive discussed publicly many times, as Ive developed as a person, so has my work and my humour.

I am very, very different than I was a few years ago. I try to root my work in love and connection and less in anger. My days of saying something just because its shocking and trying to get a reaction are over. I used to make a lot of offensive jokes. I dont any more. I dont blame my past self for this, but I like myself more and feel like a more full human being and creator today.



MORE: Entire cast of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 write James Gunn open letter of support

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