Samuel L Jackson thinks his Star Wars character can return despite one major plot hole


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Samuel is waiting for George Lucas phone call (Picture: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Samuel L Jackson might be set for a dramatic return to the Star Wars franchise.

At least thats what the actor hopes.

The 69-year-old says he would be totally down for a reprisal of his role as Mace Windu, whom he played in Star Wars in Episodes I-III.

Just one little problem, though. Samuels character kind of died in Revenge of the Sith after losing an arm and getting thrown through a window during a fight with Palpatine. So how exactly would Mace Windu come back from the dead?

Sharing his theory with Empire, Samuel explained: You know, its not that crazy that Jedi can fall from great heights and survive. And how many one-handed people are roaming about in that galaxy? Quite a few… Ive still got the old Jedi spirit. Im down.



Sounds like Samuels got it all figured out.

Needless to say, the screen legend would jump at the offer of a return if Star Wars creator, George Lucas, reached out.

No Merchandising. Editorial Use Only. No Book Cover Usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Lucasfilm/Fox/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (5886234be) Samuel L. Jackson Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones - 2002 Director: George Lucas Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox USA Film Portrait Scifi Episode II / 2 Star wars: Episode II - L'attaque des clones

Samuel starred in Episodes I-III (Picture: Lucasfilm/Fox/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock)

Samuel added: If they call me, Ill show up – hell, Im hanging around just for that. Id even show up as a hologram or some shit.

Hmm, Samuel might want to book some other jobs just in case.

According to Samuel, he begged George not to kill off his character when writing the script for Revenge of the Sith but, unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears.

No Merchandising. Editorial Use Only. No Book Cover Usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Marvel Entertainment/Perception/Spi/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (5886261ba) Samuel L. Jackson Captain America - The Winter Soldier - 2014 Director: Anthony/Russo Russo Marvel Entertainment/Perception/Spi USA Film Portrait Captain America, le soldat de l'hiver

Since his Star Wars stint, Samuel has joined the Marvel franchise (Picture: Marvel Entertainment/Perception/Spi/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock)

Samuel revealed: I was really the only person they could do something to in the movie to create some turmoil, because everyone else shows up in the original films. I kept saying to George, You sure about this? I can kill this dude – you know that, right?

Although his character appeared in three Star Wars installments, Samuel admits to being disappointed at Mace Windus lack of scenes in Episode I, The Phantom Menace.

The actor said: I started to realise I was just going to be sitting in a Jedi Council room with my arms folded. I was flicking through the pages like crazy, going, “Fight? Fight? Fight? No? Damn!”

But you cant turn something like that down. You know, its the greatest fantasy series ever in the world and all of a sudden the genie turns up and says, “Your wish is granted… but you wont be the star”. I was there but I couldnt fight.



Guess the compromise was worth it though.

Samuels co-star Ewan McGregor previously complained at the amount of green screen scenes he had to shoot when playing Obi-Wan Kenobi.

More: Star Wars

Referring to Ewans comments, Samuel said: My biggest concern was not to do anything to piss anyone off and get killed. When I heard Ewan complain, I was like, Dude… I had no idea where Mace was going but I wanted to be in the next one, so I kept bringing George snacks.

Go on George, give Samuel a call.

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