Coronation Street spoilers: Sinead Tinker rocked by devastating death news


Daniel makes a promise to Sinead in Coronation Street
(Picture: ITV)

Sinead Osbourne is set to face more tragedy when she gets harrowing news about her new found friend Steff in Coronation Street – but will it give her a massive wake up call and make her reconsider her own approach to her cancer treatment?

Sinead has befriended Steff and has been enthusiastic about her ideas for alternative therapies and so she has been keeping it a secret from Daniel that she has been ditching the chemotherapy in favour of homeopathy and other less orthodox treatments.

However, new pictures revealed by the official Coronation Street website have hinted at a devastating turn of events as Sinead hears from Steffs husband that her cancer has spread, leaving her with only days to live.

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The caption teases: Theres devastating news for Sinead when she arrives at the hospital and Steffs husband explains that her cancer has spread and she only has days to live.

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Earlier in the week, there is joy for Sinead and Daniel as they feel their baby kick and are extremely excited for the future – but the bad news which follows will undoubtedly rock Sinead to the core and force her to take a look at her own approach to treatment.

Will she come clean to Daniel that she hasnt been having chemotherapy? And will Steffs plight make her change her course – or could it be too late?

We will provide more details of this storyline and other new Coronation Street plots and pictures from 00:01am on Tuesday 27th November on our soaps homepage.

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