Emmerdale spoilers: Kyle dies in tragic accident after Amys huge mistake?

(Picture: ITV)

Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson) has been doing everything she can in Emmerdale to prove to Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) that she can be a good mother to Kyle, but in spite of her efforts, things take a turn in the upcoming episodes — and Amy will no doubt have to face the consequences.

Since departing Belfast and arriving in the village, the only thing on Amys mind has been her son, Kyle. Determined to prove her worth, the young girl has went out of her way to demonstrate her capabilities as a mum to Cain and Moira (Natalie J. Robb), and in the end, she was granted access to her young son.

With life going well for Amy once more, she decides to throw caution to the wind and go out on a date with Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter). However, her hopes of romance are dashed by mum Kerry (Laura Norton) and Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) — both of whom give Nate a piece of their mind for having agreed to go on a date with Amy not long after sleeping with Tracy.



With the date having ended in disaster, Nate ponders how he can make it up to Amy, and finds her in the playground. However, tragedy soon strikes as Amy — whod been watching over Kyle — discovers that her son has gone missing.

With Nates help, Amy searches high and low for the little lad, but to no avail.

Kyle sneaks into the garage while Dan Spencers (Liam Fox) back is turned, and unknowingly puts himself in danger. Before long, Nate comes to the realisation thaRead More – Source

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