Frozen director finally addresses Elsa’s sexuality: ‘She’s telling me every day’


Mel Evans

Frozen director finally addresses Elsa's sexuality: 'She's telling me every day'
Will Disney give Elsa a love interest of the same sex? (Picture: Disney)

Fans have been calling for Elsa to get a girlfriend for the Frozen sequel – and now the film’s movie and director has addressed the animated star’s sexuality.

Well, sort of.

After the movie’s 2013 release, fans were hoping Disney would provide us with its first openly lesbian princess, as the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend went viral in 2016 as news of the sequel gained traction.

Now co-director Jennifer Lee has addressed the notion Elsa will have a girlfriend in the next movie, set to be released next year.

In an interview with Huffington Post, she said: ‘It means the world to us that we’re part of these conversations.

‘Where we’re going with it, we have tons of conversations about it, and we’re really conscientious about these things. For me… Elsa’s every day telling me where she needs to go, and she’ll continue to tell us. I always write from character-out, and where Elsa is and what Elsa’s doing in her life, she’s telling me every day.

‘We’ll see where we go.’

Well that sounds mighty promising!

The tag began when Feminist Culture founder Alexis Isabel Moncada got the wheels turning:

Indina Menzel, who voiced Elsa, then threw her weight behind the 2016 petition, that garnered thousands of signatures, saying she thought it was ‘great’.

More: Disney

She added to Entertainment Tonight: ‘Disney’s just gotta contend with that. I’ll let them figure that out. No matter what, Elsa changed my life.’

Guess it’s a good thing that happens when people don’t ‘let it go‘.

Oh c’mon, we had to.

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