Have You Got the Right Personality to Be a Lawyer?


If you want to become a lawyer, you should have a good personality that suits the profession. A lawyer should be adaptable, persuasive and possess strong interpersonal skills. In addition, he or she must be persistent and possess a healthy skepticism. While no personality type is necessarily better than the other, there are certain types that thrive in particular environments.

Adaptable personality

Lawyers can benefit from taking personality tests to determine their preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. These tests can help them adjust to different situations and people. In a field where billable targets are paramount, an adaptable personality can help them deal with the pressures of working in a law firm. Many lawyers are worried about hitting their targets, and they also struggle to get along with colleagues and understand the firm culture.

The legal field is a very analytical profession, and many lawyers are considered introverted. As a result, they don’t like to bring their personal preferences into their decisions. Lawyers are typically logical, and don’t like to find solutions that work for everyone. Lawyers also tend to be judging types, and they tend to like to have control over their environment. Those with an adaptable personality can thrive in a law firm, but might struggle with other aspects of their lives.

Despite not having a Harvard or Yale Law degree, an adaptable personality can be a great lawyer. There are no rules that say you have to be smarter than everyone else. In the field of corporate law, for example, a lawyer must be motivated and team-oriented to make the company successful. If you don’t have these qualities, it’s best to choose a field of practice that complements your personality and skills.


Perseverance is an important quality of a good lawyer. It allows them to win arguments and negotiate well. It also helps them to get the results that others may not be able to. This quality makes a good attorney stand out from other attorneys. It is important to remember that this trait can be cultivated.

Lawyers need to be persistent in order to complete their work. This trait is essential for a successful career, but it is not something that comes naturally. Lawyers are constantly challenged, so having the determination to complete their work is essential. They must also have a strong work ethic. Moreover, perseverance can also be helpful in overcoming difficult situations.

Healthy skepticism

A study has shown that lawyers have higher than average levels of skepticism. This trait is linked to their ability to think critically, be autonomous, and be sociable. Yet this personality trait can also interfere with collaboration and trust. The good news is that skepticism is a learned trait that can be toned down when it’s counterproductive. Lawyers also score high in autonomy, which is about independence and self-direction.

Healthy skepticism is the ability to look critically at new information and content. It is similar to critical literacy, which encourages learners to evaluate texts and content critically. This includes media content, textbooks, and professor lectures. A person who practices healthy skepticism has a natural inclination to question everything.