Letter: Walters once wrote on good government–what happened?


What happened? Walters
used to be non-partisan[hhmc]

What happened to Dan Walters? I used to love to read his column, because he seemed to be the only non-partisan columnist around, concerned solely with good government, the best interests of residents of California and common sense.

Sadly, he seems to have become reflexively conservative. As just the most recent example, his Sept. 17 column (“Newsoms action on states housing crisis just half-a-loaf” (Opinion section) – again – attacks Gov. Gavin Newsom, this time because the Legislature hasnt yet accomplished the goals that the governor laid out regarding housing.

How about blaming the Legislature for its inaction? Or even better, blame owners for defeating measures that were designed to alleviate the housing crisis?

The same column states as fact several hotly disputed arguments that landowners and other members of the privileged class regularly make against rent control, such as that rent control will reduce the housing stock for renters.

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