4:57 PM 04/13/2018
Alishia Wolcott was recently invited to sing the national anthem at a Reno Aces home game, the triple A minor league affiliate of the Arizona Diamondbacks team, but turned it down over the teams gun policy.
Walcott wrote an op-ed for the Reno Gazette Journal to explain why she turned down the opportunity.
The letter stated that Walcott declined because she is no longer allowed to bring her gun into the stadium.
“I will not sing our national anthem at a place that seeks to strip me of my Second Amendment rights, nor will I be attending any future events at Aces ballpark while these things take place.”
According to the letter, the Aces recently implemented metal detectors at the ballpark gates. In the past, the security consisted of just a simple bag check and thats all.
As I am sure you are well aware, we walked away. We walked away angry and disappointed. Angry at the stripping away of self-protection. Disappointed because it happened at a venue that hosts one of Americas favorite pastimes.
Reno Aces President Eric Edelstein said safety is a priority for the stadium.
Edelstein told USA Today, “We have joined every other ticketed sports facility in Reno as well as every Major League Baseball and Major League Soccer venue in the United States in the use of metal detection. The list of prohibited items at Greater Nevada Field has remained unchanged since our inception in 2009.”
Walcott also thought of sharing her feelings at the mic on the field in “a sort of Colin Kaepernick style protest” but decided against it.
The daily caller