Jacki Weaver Regrets Her Profane Retort to Anjelica Huston


In May, Jacki Weaver clapped back to an apparent dig Anjelica Huston made about her and Diane Keatons film, Poms. In an interview, Huston was asked why she doesnt act as much these days—to which the Oscar winner said, “Im looking for movies that impress me in some way, that arent apologetically humble or humiliating like, Band of cheerleaders gets back together for one last hurrah, you know…an old-lady cheerleader movie. I dont like that kind of thing. If Im going to be an old lady—and Im sort of touching old lady these days—at least I want to be a special old lady.”

Weaver, of course, was at that moment promoting a film about women of a certain age who start a cheerleading club. When she heard Hustons comments, she told Vanity Fair, she “just laughed…and then I said, Well, she can go fuck herself. I was kind of disappointed. I had always been an admirer of Anjelica. And I thought, Thats a bit mean and petty.” The Australian actress also cracked, “I would say she must be going through menopause, but she must have had that ages ago.”

But evidently, Weaver now feels a bit guilty about making such saucy remarks about Huston. “Sometimes my filter drops, and my filter dropped that day,” Weaver told the Twitter morning show AM to DM Monday, while promoting her new Epix thriller series, Perpetual Grace LTD. “I just got a bit cross—cross being the operative word. I got incensed. I saw red. I lose my temper once a year, and that was it.” WeaverRead More – Source

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Vanity Fair

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